Issued Based Consultation with Children from LGBTIQ++ Community as part of Child-led CRC reporting process

Consortium Nepal in collaboration with Blue Diamond Society conducted one day issue-based consultation workshop with children from LGBTIQ++ community as a part of child led UNCRC reporting process Kathmandu on 8th of April 2023. The workshop accomplished with the objective:

  • To enhance knowledge and skills on Child Rights and CRC reporting process.
  • To provide knowledge and skills necessary to Child-to-Child consultation.
  • To collect information from the LGBTIQ++ community children about their situation on child rights and compile the information for the child led alternate reporting. 

There were 11 participants presented in the workshop from LGBTIQ++ community children. Mr. Kiran Thapa, facilitator started the session with the objectives of the program. Following the sessions, the introduction of UNCRC and its reporting process, issues among themselves were shared. Participants present there shared about the progress, problem and recommendation regarding to the LGBTIQ++ community.