
Consortium of organization working for Child participation (CONSORTIUM-Nepal) is a civil society network working in the area of Child Participation since 1999. It has been adopting different strategies to meet its ultimate goal in prompting child participation from family to state level in Nepal. Established in 1999 and formally registered to District Administrative office, Kathmandu in 2013, CONSORTIUM–Nepal advocates for child participation in cultural, educational, economic and political dimensions of family and social life. Consortium –Nepal holds the mandates for:

  1. Capacitating member organizations
  2. Serving as a resource organization on child participation
  3. Influencing norms, values, policies and practices of the state agencies, stakeholders and social institutions.

Child Participation

Consortium Nepal advocates for child participation in cultural, educational, economic and political dimensions of family and social life.

A society where the children are enjoying their rights as dignified citizens.
Institutionalization of child participation as an enabling right in policies, programs and practices in partnership with children.
Realize and ensure children's right to participation at all levels from family to the state.
  • Working together with right holders.
  • Working together with government agencies.
  • Engaging member organizations.
  • Collaborating with partner organization.
  • Working among the like-minded networks.
