Raju Luhar was born on Asar 22, 2065, in Krishnapur Ward No. 1, Kanchanpur District. He passed SEE at Shree Rastriya Secondary School. He is extremely motivated to his academic studies and intends to pursue a career in science after completing SEE. He enjoys public speaking, listening to music, reading, and exploring new places. He serves as secretary of the Ward Child Club and a member of the National Child Network. He was given the opportunity to participate in trainings for child marriage, child labor, drug addictions, child discrimination, and other topics sponsored by the municipality and NNSWA, as well as advocacy training for child rights provided by the Consortium Nepal. In the past, he focused on children’s empowerment and child rights concerns. Furthermore, he stated that the NCAC workshop will allow him to campaign for child rights issues in his province.